Bye Bye Germany 2017

Release Date:
102 Minutes
IMDb Score:
6.5 / 10

Bye Bye Germany (2017)
Language: German
Release Date: 2017-02
Duration: 102 Minutes
IMDb Score: 6.5 / 10
Language: German
Release Date: 2017-02
Duration: 102 Minutes
IMDb Score: 6.5 / 10
IMDb: tt5609734
Director: Sam Garbarski
Screenwriter: Michel Bergmann
Actor: Moritz Bleibtreu, Antje Traue, Tim Seyfi
Storyline: David Berman and his friends, all Holocaust survivors, have only one purpose: to go to America as soon as possible. For this they need money. Close to his aim, David is not only deprived of his savings but also overtaken by his shady past.
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