The Bold, the Corrupt, and the Beautiful 2017

Release Date:
112 Minutes
IMDb Score:
7.3 / 10

The Bold, the Corrupt, and the Beautiful (2017)
Language: Mandarin
Release Date: 2017-10
Duration: 112 Minutes
IMDb Score: 7.3 / 10
Language: Mandarin
Release Date: 2017-10
Duration: 112 Minutes
IMDb Score: 7.3 / 10
IMDb: tt7479784
Director: Ya-che Yang
Screenwriter: Ya-che Yang
Actor: Kara Wai, Ke-Xi Wu, Vicky Chen
Storyline: Madame Tang colludes and mediates between the government and the private businesses for the benefits of her all-female family. One case does not go according to plan, and an entire family close to Madame Tang fall victim to a cruel murder.
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