Patrick 2018

Release Date:
95 Minutes
IMDb Score:
5.8 / 10

Patrick (2018)
Language: English
Release Date: 2018-11
Duration: 95 Minutes
IMDb Score: 5.8 / 10
Language: English
Release Date: 2018-11
Duration: 95 Minutes
IMDb Score: 5.8 / 10
IMDb: tt6542108
Director: Mandie Fletcher
Screenwriter: Vanessa Davies
Actor: Sam Fletcher, Beattie Edmondson, Rupert Holliday-Evans
Storyline: Sarah is a young woman whose life is in a bit of a mess. The last thing she needs is someone else to look after. Yet, like it or not, her Grandmother has bequeathed her a very spoiled pug - Patrick. Surely she must have had her reasons?.
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