Running Wild 2006

South Korea
Release Date:
IMDb Score:
6.3 / 10

Running Wild (2006)
South Korea
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2006-01
Duration: Minutes
IMDb Score: 6.3 / 10
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2006-01
Duration: Minutes
IMDb Score: 6.3 / 10
IMDb: tt0485552
Director: Seong-soo Kim
Screenwriter: Ji-hoon Han
Actor: Sang-Woo Kwon, Ji-Tae Yoo, Kil-kang Ahn
Storyline: Jang is a homicide detective who likes to use violence with criminals, while Oh is a prosecutor who believes in the importance of evidence. After the murder of his younger half-brother ...
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