A Beautiful Star 2017

Release Date:
127 Minutes
IMDb Score:
5.7 / 10

A Beautiful Star (2017)
Language: Japanese
Release Date: 2017-05
Duration: 127 Minutes
IMDb Score: 5.7 / 10
Language: Japanese
Release Date: 2017-05
Duration: 127 Minutes
IMDb Score: 5.7 / 10
IMDb: tt5512160
Director: Daihachi Yoshida
Screenwriter: Yukio Mishima
Actor: Lily Franky, Kazuya Kamenashi, Ai Hashimoto
Storyline: It portrays a family on Earth who come to believe that they are actually from other planets all of a sudden. They try so hard to save the endangered planet Earth but things get crazy on the way.
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