Shaolin Temple 1982

Release Date:
95 Minutes
IMDb Score:
7.0 / 10

Shaolin Temple (1982)
Language: Mandarin
Release Date: 1982-02
Duration: 95 Minutes
IMDb Score: 7.0 / 10
Language: Mandarin
Release Date: 1982-02
Duration: 95 Minutes
IMDb Score: 7.0 / 10
IMDb: tt0079891
Director: Hsin-Yen Chang
Screenwriter: Hau Sit
Actor: Jet Li, Hai Yu, Chenghui Yu
Storyline: A young man, hounded by a psychopathic general, learns martial arts at the Shaolin temple to avenge his father's death. To achieve this he forgoes a budding romance with his kungfu master's daughter, a shepherdess.
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