Bad Country 2014

Release Date:
95 Minutes
IMDb Score:
5.8 / 10

Bad Country (2014)
Language: English
Release Date: 2014-03
Duration: 95 Minutes
IMDb Score: 5.8 / 10
Language: English
Release Date: 2014-03
Duration: 95 Minutes
IMDb Score: 5.8 / 10
IMDb: tt2350892
Director: Chris Brinker
Screenwriter: Jonathan Hirschbein
Actor: Matt Dillon, Willem Dafoe, Neal McDonough
Storyline: In 1980s Louisiana a police detective (W.Dafoe) arrests a contract killer (M.Dillon). To be with his wife (Amy Smart) and newborn, he becomes an informant and assists in taking down the crime ring boss etc. FBI, blood and revenge follows.
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