Kung Fu Jungle 2014

Release Date:
100 Minutes
IMDb Score:
6.5 / 10

Kung Fu Jungle (2014)
Language: Cantonese
Release Date: 2014-10
Duration: 100 Minutes
IMDb Score: 6.5 / 10
Language: Cantonese
Release Date: 2014-10
Duration: 100 Minutes
IMDb Score: 6.5 / 10
IMDb: tt2952602
Director: Teddy Chan
Screenwriter: Teddy Chan
Actor: Donnie Yen, Baoqiang Wang, Charlie Yeung
Storyline: A martial arts instructor from the police force gets imprisoned after killing a man by accident. But when a vicious killer starts targeting martial arts masters, the instructor offers to help the police in return for his freedom.
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