Warning: Do Not Play 2019

South Korea
Release Date:
86 Minutes
IMDb Score:
5.3 / 10

Warning: Do Not Play (2019)
South Korea
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2019-08
Duration: 86 Minutes
IMDb Score: 5.3 / 10
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2019-08
Duration: 86 Minutes
IMDb Score: 5.3 / 10
IMDb: tt10801398
Director: Kim Jin-won
Screenwriter: Kim Jin-won
Actor: Narendra Singh Dhami, Ye-ji Seo, Seon-kyu Jin
Storyline: Mi-Jung (Seo Ye-Ji ) is a rookie film director and she has been preparing a horror film for the past 8 years. One day, Mi-Jung hears about a movie which was banned. Mi-Jung wants to know ...
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