Genomu hazâdo: Aru tensai kagakusha no 5-kakan 2013

South Korea
Release Date:
120 Minutes
IMDb Score:
6.5 / 10

Genomu hazâdo: Aru tensai kagakusha no 5-kakan (2013)
South Korea
Language: Japanese
Release Date: 2014-01
Duration: 120 Minutes
IMDb Score: 6.5 / 10
Language: Japanese
Release Date: 2014-01
Duration: 120 Minutes
IMDb Score: 6.5 / 10
IMDb: tt3230608
Director: Seong-soo Kim
Screenwriter: Shirô Tsukasaki
Actor: Takumi Bando, Masatô Ibu, Kim Hyo Jin
Storyline: Ishigami comes home from work and discovers his wife dead. Just then, he receives a phone call from his wife and falls in utter confusion. Unexplainable things keep happening as Ishigami ...
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